Position Descriptions

Branch President

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Branch and is legally responsible to ensure the Branch is operating within federal and provincial laws and Legion By-Laws. 

The President must listen to the Branch membership, as a collective body, and act in the best interests of the Branch, as a whole. He represents the Branch, its mission, values and goals, to the community ensures that Remembrance ceremonies and commemorations keep the memory of our Veterans respected.  

As a leader,  he/she sets the vision, makes decisions, delegates duties and communicates effectively. He sets an example of fairness, courtesy, and obedience to the rules, enforces order and strict observance of the By-Laws.
2024/26: Kent Griffiths, CD

Branch Immediate Past President:

The President becomes the Immediate Past President when a new President is elected.
The Immediate Past President is, by virtue of the office, a member of the Branch Executive Committee and enjoys the same rights and powers as other elected members of that Committee.
This automatic appointment provides for the continuity of administration so that knowledge and experience is thus not lost to the Branch.
The Immediate Past President may be appointed to chair one or more Committees.

2024/26: Rob Danberger

Vice-Presidents: 1st & 2nd Vice

VPs are elected by the membership to represent the interests of the Legion members and serve as stewards in the management of the organization. Their roles are important to the operation of the Branch and support of the President and they are usually appointed to Chair one or more committees. VPs take their responsibilities very seriously and work to create initiatives that are fun, inspiring and informative in a safe, comfortable environment.

1st Vice: In an extended absence of the President, all rights and responsibilities are transferred to the 1st Vice. The 1st Vice usually serves as the Chair of the Poppy Committee overseeing and coordinating the Poppy Campaign. 

2024/26: 1st VP: Stu McCann, CD

2024/26: 1st VP: Lel Lessor, CD


The role of the Secretary is to maintain an accurate and timely record of Legion meetings.  

2024/26: Fiona Swanson

Branch Treasurer

The responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure the maintenance of a true and accurate account of all monies received and paid out by the Branch. The Treasurer will ensure that all financial and cash-handling procedures are followed and appropriate gaming accounts maintained. Additionally, the Treasurer will ensure an annual independent financial review is completed and provide regular reports to the Executive and Membership. The Treasurer chairs and works in consultation with the Finance Committee.

2024/26: Barbara McFadyen


The Chairman’s roll is to ensure that meetings are done in an orderly, efficient manner and no business is overlooked. The Chairman ensures that:

2024/26: Duncan MacKenzie, CD

Service Officer

Each Branch appoints a Branch Service Officer who is available to advise and assist Veterans, widows and ex-servicemen. The Service Officer needs to be familiar with Veterans Affairs benefits, processes and contact information. They are also aware of other Federal, Provincial and Municipal programs that could be of assistance to Veterans. All personal information provided to the Legion Service Officer is held in strict confidence.

The Service Officer also has a role in ensuring that requests for assistance are correctly processed and appropriately responded to by the relevant authority. They may assist in appeals of denied claims. Particular attention to disability claims under the Veterans Well-being Act is a specific area of need for may Veterans.

Our Branch has an emergency resource of food items and access to emergency funds on a one-time basis. The Service Officer will ensure to vet a veteran requesting emergency access and to ensure the veteran is identified for the Legion and Veterans Affairs Canada system for further support.

We have advocated for an increase to the number of Hospital Parking Passes for our Veterans and their families. Advocacy has also greatly reduced the number of rejections for first-time applicants to Veterans’ Affairs. This position is appointed.

2024/26: Dave McKay, CD


The Colour Party is the parade of the Legion’s flags and provides recognition of the organization and demonstrates pride in Canada. The ceremony also reminds us of our commitment to Veterans and respect for their service. The Colour Party opens and closes all formal meetings of the Legion as well as meetings where ceremonial duties are being performed. They also participate in funerals and represent the Legion in parades and community events.

The dress, ceremonies and protocols of the Colour Party are strictly defined and the Sgt-at-Arms must be knowledgeable in training and commanding procedures. Our Legion is active in honouring numerous requests for presentation on a regular basis. This position is appointed.

2024/26: Gerard Moores, CD

Branch Chaplain

The Chaplain is currently an elected position and a member of the Executive Committee. The Chaplain is vested with the spiritual leadership of the Branch. The Chaplain serves a ceremonial function at Branch commemorations and celebrations. At the request of Branch members, the Chaplain may assist with the planning and/or officiating at end-of-life celebrations. The Chaplain offers support and counsel to sick and grieving members and family of the Branch. This position is appointed.

2024/26: Bart Dailley

These Portfolios are activated as needed and deemed necessary to the functioning of the Branch.
Other portfolios may be assigned to Committee Members, as the need arises. As you can see, there are many opportunities to become involved in your Legion. If something interests you, please contact our Branch President or any Member of the Executive Committee.

Cadet Liaisons 

The Branch assigns Executive or Branch members to participate with and support our Air, Army and Navy Cadet Corps. If you are interested in connecting with our young cadets, let us know.

2024/26: Overall Cadet Liaison: Kel Lessor, CD
2024/26: Navy Cadet Liaison Officer: Tom Alexander, CD

2024/26: Air Force Cadet Liaison Officer: Linda Wright, CD

2024/26: Army Cadet Liaison Officer: Neil Gray

Constitution & By-Laws

This committee is activated when there is a need to amend our By-Laws. The By-laws are due for review in 2024.

2024/26: Constitution & Ny-Laws Director: Jim Gilmour, CD

Entertainment/Special Events

Activities: dances, banquets, fun days, Stampede breakfasts, Robbie Burns and many other special events that brighten our membership. 

2024/26: Derek Seath

Honours & Awards

Each year, our Branch honours the loyalty and hard work of our many members. Membership is recognized in five-year intervals. Many awards are available recognize and honour volunteers and their contributions.   

2024/26: Denise Gruchy Bergen, Kent Griffiths, Jim Gilmour


Housing/Operational Safety

This is a bricks and mortar role that oversees that the physical assets of our organization are maintained and we are in compliance with Health and Safety and Public Health regulations. The Housing Chair needs to have a good knowledge of the trade and professional services used by the Branch as well as tradespeople who are willing to volunteer assistance to the Branch for specific projects.

2024/26: Duncan Ripley


The membership chair oversees the management of our member enrolment, initiation and Branch member records. Outreach to our members is something that we did initiate over the past year and this contact was well received. If you have experience in organizational member recruitment and enjoy contact with our members, you could be of assistance to the Membership portfolio. We currently have nearly1500 active members at Branch #285.

2024/26: Denise Gruchy Bergen


This portfolio facilitates regular communication with our friends and Members through Facebook, Instagram, Weekly Email Update and the website. Skyline has been updated and signage around the Branch standardized. The first project of Outreach was the improved Friends of #285 Wall to honour our many donors and also the start of the Legacy Project to photograph and interview our Veterans.

2024/26: Fiona Swanson

Poppy Campaign Chair 

The President is the Branch representative on the Calgary Branches Poppy Committee (CBPC) however, the Poppy portfolio is frequently assigned to a committee member to plan and manage the actual Poppy Campaign. The is a large assignment that typically starts in May and may go into December to finalize.  Fortunately, the Branch has an experienced team of volunteers who are dedicated and knowledgeable in conducting a successful campaign. We are looking for an individual with strong organizational skills and knowledge of south Calgary to spearhead our poppy campaign.

2024/26: Pat Lomenda & Rose Scagnetto


Information sessions were organized specifically for seniors: will preparation, down-sizing consults, health-related issues, computer sessions for beginners! A representative from Veteran’s Affairs gave a presentation on benefits to Veterans and the processes involved. We have a foot clinic once a month. Projects such as tax preparation, workshop of seniors’ services and rummage sales were appreciated. The Senior Coordinator is responsible for organizing the Veteran’s Luncheon held the first Tuesday of every month. 

2024/26: Denise Gruchy Bergen

Sick & Visiting 

In addition to keeping in touch with shut-ins, they were often called upon to be involved in end-of-life decision making and/or funeral or memorial planning. Hospitalized members that the Branch is aware of are posted on the bulletin board in the Passchendaele Room. If you are willing and able to walk along side members in difficult situations, you may be able to help in this portfolio.

2024/26: Stu McCann, CD

Sports & Recreation

Many community friends join our Members in participating in sporting activities ie: pool, golf, card games, exercise classes, etc. at the Legion. Typically, there would be two or three activities taking place most days at the Branch. 

2024/26: Wade Bergen

Volunteer Coordinator

The Branch has not recently had a formal position to coordinate our volunteers. Comrade Marilyn Sharpe has stepped into this role over the past year to arrange cleaning for the Branch, monitoring at the front door, phoning and other projects that have come up. She continues to need volunteers to help buss or sell tickets at our special events.

2024/26: Colleen Weitz

Ways & Means 

This function is a core fund-raising role in the Branch.  Coordinators work very hard to make our draws and raffles fun and exciting. They typically also work with the Entertainment Chair to coordinate larger events such as our Stampede Breakfasts. Volunteers are regularly needed to assist with these activities. 

2024/26: VACANT

Bingo & Casino

A significant portion of our gaming funds come from these activities. We usually have three or four bingo events at the Grey Eagle Casino each month and Comrade Wes Hurlburt is our organizer. Comrade Lucy Precul organized our assigned casino event September 2021. We are assigned a casino about every 18 months. Both our coordinators require volunteers.

2024/26: Bingos: Wes Hurlbut/ Anne Lynch
2024: Casinos: Lucy Precul


2024/26: Rob Danberger

HR Liaison

2024/26: Norman Campbell, CD

Disputes Committee

2024/26: Derek Seath & Norman Campbell, CD