Poppy Campaign Volunteers
Each year, we need a team of about 200 volunteers.
Click on down arrow for each heading to see how you can volunteer - click on underlined name to contact Poppy Campaign Co-ordinator.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed
Poppy Desk
Find volunteers to manage the hub of the operation – central communication and supply area at the Legion
Volunteers Needed For:
Phone answering
Answer inquiries/poppy pick up
Merchandise sales
Walk-in Donations
Volunteer runners for poppy deliveries
Drop box poppy desk- oct 24-Nov 17
2 shifts -930am-100pm - 100pm-500pm
Area Captains Retail –
Pat Kehler
Supplies and maintains a single area with a number of retailers within it. Ie: boxes, poppies, poppy cans
Volunteers Needed for:
Thank you to all who volunteered as Area Captains!!
Pick up October 21
Deliver by October 27
Final Pick up November 12 - return to Branch
Taggers Needed
Volunteers Needed for:
Sealing Cans for Distribution
Prepare supplies for Volunteers
Volunteer Needed For:
Processing cans
Donation Processing -
Keep a thorough account of donations.
Wreaths –
Pat Strachan
Manage wreath orders
Distribution of wreaths during Poppy Campaign and for Remembrance Day Service
Volunteers Needed For:
Distributing Wreaths
Collecting Wreaths
Volunteers needed for:
Be a speaker - share your story
Communication –
Marie Illingworth and Pat Lomenda
Monitor poppy mail.
Ensure announcements and requests for volunteers are sent to the appropriate Director
School Liaison
Liaise with schools in our area to invite them to participate in Campaign. Deliver and arrange drop off of poppy supplies
Volunteers needed for:
picking up and delivering supplies
Volunteers Needed For:
Taking supplies to replenish businesses -
Date: Various - on call
Poster & Literacy Competition –
Arrange for application information to get to each school, drop off of entries, Judges
Volunteers are needed for:
Distributing information packages
Judge Art Work and Poetry submissions
Clean Up -
Pat Lomenda
Find Volunteers to help sort and separate supplies and put away for next year.
Volunteers Needed For:
Date: November 13-17
Poppy Campaign Timeline
Most Volunteer Positions are for the week ending on November 11
Some run from October 14 until November 14
“The Poppy Campaign is the foundation of our Remembrance Program.
We provide Canadians with the opportunity to Remember by providing them with a Poppy and to participate at Remembrance Day services.